Gartmore and the Rural Legacies of Transatlantic Slavery
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Event Details
Gartmore was deeply involved in the international slave trade. Gartmore's Robert Graham became involved in slavery at the age of 17, owned two sugar plantations (Roaring River and Lucky Hill), and by his own admission (‘rather too great a latitude to a dissipated train of whoring, the consequence of which is I now dayly see before me a motley variegated race of different complexions') raped and fathered children by his slaves. He also married Anne Taylor, sister of Patrick Taylor (a friend of Admiral Horatio Nelson) - likely the most wealthy of all Jamaican slavers. Incredibly, at the age of 19, Graham became the receiver-general for taxes for Jamaica, and upon returning to Scotland was elected Lord Rector of Glasgow University (1785-87) where he instituted the Gartmore Gold Medal which, ironically, is still awarded today biennially, for the best discourse by a student on political liberty!
Robert Burns described Robert Graham as "...'the noblest instance of great talents, great fortune and great worth that ever I saw in conjunction.'
Come along for a VERY revealing talk presented by Tara Leishman.
Children under 16 free.
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Please note that you should check with the event organiser to confirm details of times and location - Scottish Local History Forum is not responsible for the events hosted by Member Societies.