About Us
The Scottish Local History Forum is for individuals and organisations involved with local history, heritage and culture. Founded in 1983, it is the umbrella group for local history in Scotland. Members come from all parts of Scotland as well as overseas, and include individuals, historical groups and societies, and heritage organisations such as libraries, archives and museums.
The Forum's aims include:
- Stimulating and encouraging interest in local history and heritage in Scotland
- Advancing education and research in Scottish local history
To achieve these aims the Forum:
- Publishes the journal Scottish Local History
- Produces an e-newsletter Clish-Clash
- Organises events such as Conferences, Walk & Talks and Workshops
- Provides a website www.slhf.org
- Hosts an online directory of local history resources and the organisations which hold them
- Hosts an online diary of relevant events
- Hosts a Facebook(link is external) page with items of interest
- Links and liaises with
- National and local Historical Societies
- Educational Institutions
- Local Authorities
- Voluntary Organisations
- Campaigns for our members on matters relating to local history and heritage