Issue 91
Spring-Summer 2015
Spring-Summer 2015
Front Cover: Dufftown, 1884
Source: Ms 3175/RHP31046, Plan of Lotted Lands of Dufftown, 1884 by Macbey and Gordon.
Courtesy of Special Collections and Museums, University of Aberdeen.
Dufftown was founded in 1817 on the Earl of Fife's Balveny Estate.
Surrounding the town was a large area of field lots that provided the feuars with opportunities for part-time farming.
Article: Last of the Line: the twilight years of private land surveying in Moray
Douglas G Lockhart

Gold Dust and Gunpowder; an Orcadian trader in West Africa
The Residents of 2 Regent Road, Edinburgh
St Mary's Hospital, Kincardine O'Neil
The Evolution of Whittinghame Estate and the Jameson Family Network
Last of the Line: the twilight years of private land surveying in Moray
Sir William Burrell: Glasgow Corporation Councillor 1899-1906
The Sale of Logiealmond Estate during the 1840s
Each publication also contains Editorial, News Features and Book Reviews