Kirkyard Trail
When & Where
Event Details
St Cuthbert’s Kirkyard in the town has a fascinating history, including being the site of the most southerly Viking burial in Scotland – of renewed significance now following the recent discovery of the Galloway Viking Hoard. There is much of historical interest besides this, not least the variety of gravestones and the individuals commemorated on them. The dates and arrangements for this years Kirkyard Trail have now been finalised. Due to the present restrictions prebooking is essential. This is done through Eventbrite, details of which are in the Events section of our website. is external). The tours are free and are available on Wednesdays from 14th July to 18th August inclusive.
Event Location
Other information
Please note that you should check with the event organiser to confirm details of times and location - Scottish Local History Forum is not responsible for the events hosted by Member Societies.