Ayrshire Archaeological and Natural History Society

About this Organisation

Member-led society for the study of the history and archaeology of Ayrshire, founded in 1946 as a successor to a 19th Century learned society. The Society holds fortnightly lecture meetings during the winter, in Ayr, and has a series of outings to places of interest each summer. We are outward looking, and many of our lectures have a relevance well beyond Ayr.

Publishing has always been an important part of what we do, and we aim to produce 2 new Monographs every year. We also, with the Ayrshire Federation of Historical Societies, produce a newsletter, Ayrshire Notes, twice a year, with shorter articles of historical interest. We now have a website, annhs.org, with a growing selection of articles, usually free to download, photographs and relevant news from Ayrshire.

New members are always welcome.


Organisation Type

Local History Society/Association/Group


Entry last updated: January 25th, 2021

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