"Dig Portobello"
When & Where
Event Details
Portobello Heritage Trust have been awarded a Heritage Lottery Fund Sharing Heritage grant to fund a community archaeology dig called Dig Portobello. The dig will take place over the weekend of Friday, 29th to Sunday, 31st August. For details of the dig and associated events please see http://www.aocarchaeology.com/digportobello/(link is external)
There is an opening lecture Exploring Portobello’s Potteries at 7.30pm on Friday, 29th August in The Wash House Community Centre, Adelphi Grove, which is the 'base camp' for the dig. They would be delighted if you could attend.
For more information on the Portobello Heritage Trust see www.portobelloheritagetrust.co.uk(link is external)
Event Location
Please note that you should check with the event organiser to confirm details of times and location - Scottish Local History Forum is not responsible for the events hosted by Member Societies.