Broughton History Society


The Society was founded in 1996 to promote an interest in the history of Broughton, and in local history generally. Currently we have a membership of about 60.

We are a friendly group of local (and not so local) people who share an interest in the history of our 'village'. In the heart of Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, the old village of Broughton on the north-east side was long ago absorbed into the spreading city. But traces remain today and members are involved in researching more of its past.

From September to May we hold a wide-ranging programme of monthly lectures on Monday evenings at Drummond Community High School, and throughout the year organise a number of visits to places of historical interest within the locality.

Membership is open to everyone. Annual subscription is £10. Benefits include free copies of our Newsletter with articles of interest contributed by members, free entry to lectures, and priority booking on Society excursions.

Subscriptions are payable in September each year, or on joining.

Visitors and members are welcome at the evening meetings. Refreshments from 7pm, speaker 7.30pm.


Drummond Community High School, 41 Bellevue Pl, Edinburgh , EH7 4BS


Richard Love
Chair (link sends e-mail)
0131 556 1488
Helen Rorrison
Membership Secretary sends e-mail)
0131 557 5973 sends e-mail)