Kirkyard Tour

When & Where

Wednesday, 26 July 2023 - 7:00pm to 8:00pm
St Cuthberts Kirkyard, St Cuthberts Rd, Kirkcudbright, DG6 4XY

Event Details

Through the summer the History Society offers weekly guided tours of Kirkcudbright's historic kirkyard (a little east of the town on the Gelston road), which was the site of the original Northumbrian 'kirk of Cuthbert' which even Ailred of Rievaulx described as an ancient building in the later 12th-century! It is also the site of Scotland's most southerly Hiberno-Norse burials.
As a taster you might like to watch this video which gives an informative overview of the history of the site and describes several of the people laid to rest . is external)
Tours are free,
Assemble at the kirkyard gate (NX 6802 5115) on the following days 12 July (7.00 pm), 19 July (2.30 pm), 26 July (7.00 pm), 2 August (2.30 pm), 9 August (7.00 pm) and 16 August (2.30 pm).
Any enquiries 01557330193



Event Location

St Cuthberts Kirkyard
St Cuthberts Rd


Please note that you should check with the event organiser to confirm details of times and location - Scottish Local History Forum is not responsible for the events hosted by Member Societies.