Shetland Family History Society
About this Organisation
The Shetland Family History Society provides a focus for family history research in Shetland. Ancestral tourism is a popular activity at present, particularly emphasised by Scottish Tourism's "Clan Gatherings" which included a "Clan Convention" in the Scottish Parliament. The Shetland FHS has approximately 900 members spread across 12 countries worldwide. Within Shetland there are members in all districts.
Some people plan and make contact before arrival. Others turn up on the doorstep looking for help. In 2017 SFHS had 344 visitors and 356 to date (October 2018).
Visitors are put in touch with relatives, thanks to our specialist and local knowledge. We interpret local records to help visitors find crofts, ruined churches etc. associated with their family. SFHS have transcribed and printed the Monumental Inscriptions in every Shetland graveyard and can direct visitors use maps, local knowledge and lair plans.
All members receive quarterly journals, "Coontin Kin". SFHS have an annual Sharing Shetland Surnames project. Regular opening of premises for people to "drop in" to learn more of their kin. Available records to search at SFHS premises.
Mrs. Elinor Nicolson
Secretary sends e-mail)
Tel: 01595694286
Organisation Type
Please note that links to websites and catalogues are provided by the Organisations listed and not maintained by Scottish Local History Forum.