Are We There Yet: Mapping Scotland's Contemporary Memory on its Slaving Past

When & Where

The Battle of Bannockburn
Monday, 3 October 2022 - 7:00pm to 8:00pm
The Battle of Bannockburn, Glasgow Road, Whins of Milton, Stirling, FK7 0LJ

Event Details

Our popular lecture series returns with a talk by Dr Peggy Brunache, Lecturer in the History of Atlantic Slavery and Director of the Beniba Centre for Slavery Studies at University of Glasgow:

The UK is still grappling with a crisis of conscience over questions of whether to preserve or dismantle celebratory monuments and memorials of nation’s investment in slavery and structures of racial inequity. While Scotland, in particular, is finally beginning to explore its own role in the transatlantic slave trade and Atlantic slavery, this presentation will assess what that means for local and national heritage, how we should remember it and what do to about the legacies that still plague us.

Places must be booked by emailing sends e-mail) or phoning 01786 812664.


Pay-what-you-can; suggested donation £5

Event Location

The Battle of Bannockburn
Glasgow Road
Whins of Milton


Please note that you should check with the event organiser to confirm details of times and location - Scottish Local History Forum is not responsible for the events hosted by Member Societies.