Re-opening of National Records Scotland
Announcement from NRS:
On-site services will reopen on a limited basis for priority access from 26th April, in line with Scottish Government guidance.
The Historical Search Room will also reopen on Monday 26th April. Initial access will be given to priority users only, specifically those who require access to our records to complete funded academic research or those who require urgent access to complete PhD, post-graduate or early career research. Those who meet the criteria for the initial phase of access to our Historical Search Room, should contact sends e-mail) for further information. If you have previously contacted us with details of your access requirements, you do not have to email us again and a member of our team will be in contact next week to arrange your appointment. To comply with COVID-19 safety measures the Historical Search Room has relocated to the ground floor of General Register House.
The Dundas Search Room in ScotlandsPeople Centre will reopen on Tuesday 4th May. Initial access will be given to those with a business need to access modern day statutory records, for example professional genealogists. Those who meet the criteria for the initial phase of access to the ScotlandsPeople Search Room, should contact sends e-mail) for further information.
Spaces to both search rooms will be limited and available by appointment only. Appointments will be available for 4 hour slots from 10am with staggered arrivals and departures.
All records must be ordered in advance and customers must wear facemasks unless they have an exemption. Signage is in place to assist customers to move around the building safely and hand sanitiser will be provided.

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