The Old Edinburgh Club has announced its first awards under the Jean Guild Grants programme. This has been set up to promote research into the history of Edinburgh, improve access to historical resources and bring the history to life.
There are two groups of award winners, projects and individual researchers. Project awardees are:
• James Gillespie's High School - Gaelic in Edinburgh - A History
• Northlight Productions - Visiting 1700s Edinburgh through virtual photography
• Trinity Network -Reviving the Trinity Stones
Researchers gaining funding are:
• Jenny Bruce - Linen Weavers in Edinburgh
• Graeme Cruickshank - Port Hopetoun
• Charlie Ellis - Table Tennis in Edinburgh
• Naomi Wells - History of the South Bridge
Dr Edward Duvall, President of the Old Edinburgh Club said, “We were delighted with the number, range and especially the quality of the applications we received. Every application had its strong points but our funds are limited and we had hard choices to make.”
“In launching the programme we have entered uncharted territory and we are determined to help ensure that it has an impact and that we learn for future years.”
Dr Duvall added, “The grants programme is named after Jean Guild, a senior librarian at the University of Edinburgh and a long-term member of the Club, who left a legacy to the Club. We are extremely grateful for her generous donation. This is enabling the Club
For further information contact: publicity@oldedinburghclub.org.uk(link sends e-mail)

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