A new website has been launched that focuses on the many amazing aspects of West Dunbartonshire. This is aimed at locals and visitors alike. It serves as a record of all that is to be found here and of our constantly changing townscapes. It provides incentives to delve into local history. It discusses the people and places that made it. It encourages you to get into the great outdoors.
There are many layers to our local history. While it is not a history website as such, it describes a wide array of local places and features and the stories behind them.
West Dunbartonshire has vast open areas that stretch up into the Kilpatrick Hills and cross the Muirs, along the River Leven, the shore of the Clyde shore, and along the shores of Loch Lomond. We have been encouraged all through the pandemic to regularly get out into the fresh air keep up our levels of fitness. At long last, with the restrictions easing just as spring is getting going, there is absolutely no excuse not to get out there. You can stay local. There are so many options right here in West Dunbartonshire.
Even if you don't find it easy to get out and about, this website offers an alternative in that you can peruse its pages and will very likely find places and information that are new to you. Perhaps it will inspire you to do your own investigations and research. Each section has links to more on that subject.
“Don't tell me you have nothing to do today!” is external)

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