Working from Home in the Vernacular Period

When & Where

Scottish Vernacular Buildings Working Group
Friday, 20 November 2020 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Online, Contact Niall Logan <> for further information, Zoom details will be forwarded when you make contact

Event Details

The Scottish Vernacular Buildings Working Group is holding an online conference from 7 pm to 9 pm on Friday 20th November.
It will focus on some of the kinds of buildings that people worked in, or from, and how their ways of life influenced the design and character of those buildings. We are taking advantage of the virtual format to have speakers from around the UK. There will be five short presentations followed by discussion:

1 Geoff Timmins: England’s handloom weavers’ cottages: working and living conditions.
2 Mark Watson: Where are the weavers’ windows? Hand loom shops in the Scottish linen and cotton industries.
3 Richard Bebb: The Welsh Cegin - Work, Rest and Play.
4 Hannah Kingsbury: A Farmer-miner landscape: Cowhouses and the practice of smallholdings in Castle Bolton (lower Wensleydale, North Riding).
5 Linda Fitzpatrick: Home from the Sea: living and working in Scottish fisher housing .


Niall Logan



Event Location

Contact Niall Logan <> for further information
Zoom details will be forwarded when you make contact


Please note that you should check with the event organiser to confirm details of times and location - Scottish Local History Forum is not responsible for the events hosted by Member Societies.