Why we believe what we do about our places
When & Where
Event Details
Our July webinar is looks at one-place studies more generally rather than focusing on one of over 200 one-place studies registered with the Society (https://www.one-place-studies.org/studies/(link is external)). There will be a chance to ask questions and chat with other Society members after the talk.
The event is free for members. Membership costs £10 per year and includes monthly webinars and a quarterly journal, Destinations. See https://www.one-place-studies.org/join-us/(link is external) for details. For other events see: https://www.one-place-studies.org/events/(link is external)
The Society for One-Place Studies - where local and family history unite

Please note that you should check with the event organiser to confirm details of times and location - Scottish Local History Forum is not responsible for the events hosted by Member Societies.