Screens and Stages in the Silver City: A Virtual Local History Conference
When & Where
Event Details
Join us to explore Aberdeen’s architectural and building heritage, and learn more about the city's historic cinemas and theatres. This one-day event, organised by Aberdeen City Libraries and Aberdeen City Heritage Trust with the support of Historic Environment Scotland, will take place virtually on Saturday 13 February 2021.
Bringing together a broad range of speakers from a variety of sectors, our conference seeks to enlighten Aberdeen’s past, but also challenge our perceptions by exploring how technologies can be used to better apprehend and conserve our local heritage environment.
In addition to the conference presentations, a dedicated digital platform means that the conference will be a networking event where sponsors and local heritage organisations will be able to interact with delegates.
Presenting on the day will be:
Dr Alistair Fair, Reader in Architectural History at Edinburgh University, will look at Aberdeen’s post-1900 theatre architecture.
Ronald Grant, from the Cinema Museum in London, will share his memories of Aberdeen’s cinemas and illustrate his presentation with many original photographs from his collection.
Dr Paul Maloney, Research Fellow at Queen’s University Belfast, will show how imaginative use of archival sources and material culture can produce a colourful and accessible theatre history which relates entertainment to wider developments.
Janet McBain, former curator of the Scottish Screen Archive, will consider the representation of the city and its citizens in films.
Dr Lyn Wilson, Digital documentation manager, Historic Environment Scotland, will outline the use of digital innovations at HES and give examples of focused applications.
Visit for more information and to book tickets.
Aberdeen City Heritage Trust is a Limited Company and Scottish Charity whose mission is to see the historic built environment better understood, cared for and promoted. The Trust is largely funded by Historic Environment Scotland and also receives support from Aberdeen City Council.
Aberdeen City Libraries’ mission is to provide a library and information service that supports all people of Aberdeen to prosper and achieve their full potential. The Library Service in Aberdeen has been in existence since 1884 and now includes the Central Library, 16 Community Libraries and a Home Service. The Central Library holds a unique place in the hearts of Aberdonians and has celebrated its 125th year in 2017.
The Local Studies department provides information and help with research on all aspects of the city and the surrounding area from the earliest period of history to the present day. The team looks after an extraordinary and valuable collection of historic items, makes the case for its value and encourages its varied and extensive use.

Please note that you should check with the event organiser to confirm details of times and location - Scottish Local History Forum is not responsible for the events hosted by Member Societies.