Reminiscences of a Jacobite. Inside the mind of Prince Charles Edward Stuart
When & Where
Event Details
December 5th is the 275th anniversary of the Jacobite Council of War at Derby, which was the turning point of the Rising of 1745. A Zoom Conference between 12.30 PM and 1:00 PM (GMT) on December 5th will mark the occasion by introducing ‘Reminiscences of a Jacobite’, published this month by Birlinn, Edinburgh, to coincide with the forthcoming tri-centenary of the birth of Prince Charles Edward Stuart in December 1720. The online talk will comprise a 15 min presentation of the book, followed by the opportunity for questions for up to 15 mins. Doors will open at 12:20 PM, and the event will end latest at 1:00 PM (as Zoom has a 40 minute limit on free conferences). The event is free and open to all and can be accessed at:
Meeting ID: 921 613 5669
Passcode: Zcs3ec
Other information

Please note that you should check with the event organiser to confirm details of times and location - Scottish Local History Forum is not responsible for the events hosted by Member Societies.