Online talk - The Romans in Perthshire
Event Details
To replace the cancelled 2020/2021 winter season of monthly talks, the Breadalbane Heritage Society is holding a pioneering series of free, virtual online Zoom talks, followed by Q&A sessions. The Zoom sessions began in September 2020 and have proved to be highly successful, with good attendances and new members joining the BHS. The next talk will be on Friday, 19 February when Jim Walker, who has spent many years digging the Antonine Wall, will tell us all about the Romans in Perthshire. On Friday, 19 March well-kent local Tommy Pringle will give a talk on Aberfeldy Past and Present, this will be the final talk of the Winter 2020-2021 season.
All talks commence at 7.30 pm except for the March meeting which combines with the AGM and will begin at 7.00 pm. The talks take place on Zoom and will last approximately 45 minutes followed by a Q&A session. If you’d like to attend the talk please send an email to and two days before the talk we’ll email you details of how to join the Zoom meeting, along with an entrance passcode.
Zoom is free of charge to download on your smart phone, tablet or PC and there will not be an admission charge to join the meeting.
Summer Season 2021 - A series of interesting excursions has been provisionally planned for this year, starting in May, along with the popular annual Summer Party in July, but due to Covid19 and lockdown restrictions it is not certain whether these can go ahead. Updated information will be posted.

Please note that you should check with the event organiser to confirm details of times and location - Scottish Local History Forum is not responsible for the events hosted by Member Societies.