Northumbrian institutions reconsidered: three upland communities in medieval Britain

When & Where

British Association for Local History
Thursday, 14 December 2023 - 7:00pm to 8:00pm
Online, Online, Online

Event Details

At 7pm on Thursday 14th December (via Zoom) BALH are hosting Fiona Edmonds who is Professor in Regional History at Lancaster University. Her book Gaelic Influence in the Northumbrian Kingdom: the Golden Age and the Viking Age won the Frank Watson Prize 2021. Her lecture is entitled ‘Northumbrian institutions reconsidered: three upland communities in medieval Britain’. She will consider the textual record, place-names and archaeological evidence to ask how far we may talk of similarities; and if common features existed, why that was that the case. More information can be found here: is external)


£5/ free for members

Event Location



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