County Societies Symposium

When & Where

University of London - Institute of Historical Research
Saturday, 13 September 2014 - 10:00am to 4:30pm
Senate House, Malet Street, London , WC1E 7HU

Event Details

The third County Societies Symposium will be held on Saturday 13 September 2014 at Senate House, University of London, by kind invitation of the Institute of Historical Research.

We intend that, once again, there will be plenty of time for discussion around the theme of ‘Putting the message across: where do we go from here?’ The following have kindly agreed to stimulate our thoughts on the following topics:

Session 1 10.30 – 11.30. Record Publishing: Where do we go from here? Convenor – Adam Chapman
John Chandler (VCH Gloucestershire/Wiltshire Record Society) ‘Stuck in a Groove? What future for the traditional record society?’
Paul Dryburgh (The National Archives) ‘Aspects of editing local records’
Adam Chapman (VCH) ‘Surveying the present: what are local societies doing?

Session 2 11.30 – 12.30. Open Access. Chair – Claire Cross
Peter Mandler (President, RHS) ‘What are the latest developments in Open Access?’
Jane Winters (Institute of Historical Research) [title tbc]
Presentation of survey results/Q&A

LUNCH (Buffet lunch included)

Session 3 13.30 – 16.00. Digital Publishing.
Catherine Clarke (University of Southampton) ‘City Witness, Medieval Swansea: Creating and using a digital resource’
Jane Golding (English Heritage/BALH) 'Social media tools for publishing and sharing'

Concluding discussions – Where do we go from here? (Finish 16.30).

Bookings should be made as soon as possible please, and certainly by 26 May 2014, using the booking form attached below.



Event Location

Senate House
Malet Street

Other information


Please note that you should check with the event organiser to confirm details of times and location - Scottish Local History Forum is not responsible for the events hosted by Member Societies.