Battle of Dunbar 1650
When & Where
Event Details
The Scottish Battlefields Trust is proud to have invited the English Civil War Society (ECWS) to bring the Battle of Dunbar 1650 to life for the first of our exciting East Lothian Battle Weekends. Their local regiment, the Earl of Loudoun's Regiment of Foote will be hosting ECWS members from across the UK to provide the biggest battle event in Scotland this year.
There will be drill displays, a fascinating living history encampment, childrens' activities and some great food and drink. But most importantly of all, there will be two spectacular battle recreations, each with cannon, foot and horse.
On Saturday, watch as Cromwell's exhausted troops are driven back to Dunbar by the triumphant Scots.
Then on Sunday, witness the dramatic turnaround as the Scottish Army is surprised by a bold and devastating attack.
TICKETS: available to pre-order online or on the gate.
Adults - £6 per day
Under 15s - £3
Under 10s - Free
ONLINE PRE-PURCHASE SPECIAL - entry for both days just £10 (adult) or £5 (child).
Special evening lecture: Saturday 17th at 7.30pm, Dunmuir Hotel. Hear the latest information on Durham University's discovery of the burials of prisoners captured at Dunbar.
Tickets £2, available here.
Other information
Please note that you should check with the event organiser to confirm details of times and location - Scottish Local History Forum is not responsible for the events hosted by Member Societies.