Tobar an Dualchais / Kist o Riches
About this Resource
Tobar an Dualchais/Kist o Riches is a collaborative project which has been set up to preserve, digitise, catalogue and make available online several thousand hours of Gaelic and Scots recordings. This website contains a wealth of material such as folklore, songs, music, history, poetry, traditions, stories and other information. The material has been collected from all over Scotland and beyond from the 1930s onwards.
The recordings come from the School of Scottish Studies (University of Edinburgh), BBC Scotland and the National Trust for Scotland's Canna Collection.
Please note that not all material from the School of Scottish Studies Archives is available on the website.
Examples from these collections include:
* Stories recorded by John Lorne Campbell on wax cylinders in 1937
* Folklore collected all over Scotland by Calum Maclean in the 1950s
* Scots songs recorded by Hamish Henderson from travelling people in the 1960s
* Conversations recorded on Radio nan Gàidheal
Please note that the sound quality is variable on of some of the recordings due to the sound recording equipment available at the time.
The project will ensure that Scotland's rich oral heritage is safeguarded and made widely available for educational and personal use for future generations.
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Tel: 01471 888601
Resource Details
Resource Type
Geographical Coverage
Online Availability
Official Records
Please note that links to websites and catalogues are provided by the Organisations listed and not maintained by Scottish Local History Forum.