Aberdeen Local Studies - Newspaper holdings on microfilm
About this Resource
Aberdeen City Libraries Local Studies hold an extensive collection of historical newspapers on microfilm, covering not only Aberdeen, but also Aberdeenshire, Banffshire and Kincardineshire. The earliest is the first edition of “The Aberdeen’s Journal” of 29 December 1747. We maintain up-to-date files of ‘The Press and Journal’, ‘Evening Express’, and other selected local titles, with more recent issues held as hard copy.
Microfilm reader machines are available. We do not operate a booking system for the machines but, during busy periods, sessions will be limited to one hour maximum. Printing facilities are available, costing 20p per A4 sheet and 40p per A3 sheet.
See the PDF below for a list of the titles and dates held on microfilm at Aberdeen Central Library.
Aberdeen City Libraries also provide free access to the British Newspaper Archive website in all our buildings and hold a historic newspaper cuttings collection at Aberdeen Central Library.
Aberdeen Central Library opening hours:
Monday and Wednesday: 9am to 8pm
Tuesday, Thursday to Saturday: 9am to 5pm
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Tel: 01224 652543
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Geographical Coverage
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Official Records
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Please note that links to websites and catalogues are provided by the Organisations listed and not maintained by Scottish Local History Forum.