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The Book of the Old Edinburgh Club is the foremost journal for all aspects of Edinburgh history.
The Original Series goes back to 1908 and the foundation of the Old Edinburgh Club.
The New Series was begun in 1991.
The Lands of Warriston
Zella Ashford
Fire and Filth: Edinburgh’s Environment, 1660-1760
Rab Houston
The Development of Edinburgh’s Second New Town
Connie Byrom
The West Port Murders and the Miniature Coffins from Arthur’s Seat
Samuel Pyeatt Menefee and Allen D. C. Simpson
Changing Edinburgh
Ian Campbell
The Holy Corner
Yvonne Hillyard
William Smellie, 1740-1795
Stephen Brown
The Wrichtishousis: ‘A Very Curious Edifice’
Charles McKean
John Kay’s Satires on Sir Lawrence Dundas
Iain Gordon Brown
James Hamilton’s ‘Lying-In’ Hospital at Park House