Banffshire Field Club
Banffshire Field Club was established in 1880 and 130 years later, its members continue to uphold the objectives of its founders: "to explore the district ... inquiring into its Geology, Botany, Natural History, Archaeology ..."
The club meets from September to April (except January) at 2.15pm on the second Saturday of the month in the St. Rufus Hall, Turner Street, Keith, AB55 5DJ.
Two outdoor excursions are arranged in the summer.
St. Rufus Hall, Turner Street, Keith, AB55 5DJLinks

Other information
The Banffshire Field Club has an archive of printed lectures given since its foundation in 1880 until the practise ceased in 1939. These papers, or 'Transactions', record the business at each meeting along with a lecture given by an invited expert. The subjects cover all aspects of interest relating to Banffshire, covering archaelogy, astronomy, biology, botany, excursions/field trips, geology, geography, nature, science and social history. Many of the Transactions are available for purchase: please consult our website for details.