Dancing with the Prince
When & Where
Event Details
“…He [Prince] left Blair and went to the house of Lude, where he was very cheerful and took his share in several dances, such as minuets, Highland reels (the first reel the Prince called for was, “This is not mine ain house”, etc.), and a Strathspey minuet”…
Forbes, R., and Paton H. The Lyon in Mourning, Or, A Collection of Speeches, Letters, Journals Etc. Relative to the Affairs of Prince Charles Edward Stuart.
"Dancing with the Prince" is a series of historical dance workshops in Edinburgh Old Town focusing on the 18th-century dances from Scottish and European dance collections created between 1715 and 1745.During these dance sessions, you will try minuets, Strathspey minuet, country dances, and reels which have links with the Jacobite cause using the period style of dancing.
11:00 - 13:00 9 April: Minuet, Strathspey Minuet, and Scotch Reel
11:00 - 13:00 23 April: 18th-century country dances from Scottish and wider European collections using the period technique.