Capital Collections

About this Resource

Capital Collections is the online image library for Edinburgh Libraries and Museums and Galleries.

Edinburgh's Central Library opened in 1890 and ever since, it has built in-depth collections relating to the history and culture of the city of Edinburgh and the topography, history and people of Scotland. Many of the stunning images from our collections are digitised and available to explore online via Capital Collections. Highlights include a world-class early photography collection, artist sketches and Japanese woodblock prints and painted scrolls.

The Libraries' digitised collections are complemented by a superb selection of social history, literary, fine and applied arts material from Edinburgh Museums and Galleries' collections from across their venues, including significant items from the Writers' Museum, the Museum of Edinburgh, City Art Centre and the Museum of Childhood.

Browse Capital Collections to enjoy 10,000s of images from our diverse and unique collections.


This resource is held by:

Resource Details

Resource Type



Architecture, Surveying and Town Planning
Historic Buildings
Urban History

Geographical Coverage



1600 - 1699
1700 - 1799
1800 - 1899
1900 - 1945
1945 - 2000
2000 - present


Open to public: see website for opening hours

Online Availability

Remote access available

Official Records


Other Information

Entry last updated: May 15th, 2018

Please note that links to websites and catalogues are provided by the Organisations listed and not maintained by Scottish Local History Forum.